About Caraway
My Books
I’m working on my Professions of Love series, which I like to call Tales of the City meets Queer as Folk. I plan to have the third book out by the end of 2022. Book two, Hearts Redesigned, is available in print and digital formats.
Before I worked on the series, I tried a little of everything. I’ve got 7 With 1 Blow, which some people call a BDSM primer. In the same vein, I’ve written a story called 650.13 which is in No Safewords 2. I’ve got a NA gay secret admirer Chanukah romance–The Eighth Night, a catfish gone awry story with a HEA-PS, and the eclectic novelettes.

"Stop trying to convince others your story is worthy. Write it and convince yourself."
Caraway Carter

Personal Life
I started out my life focused on becoming an actor, and though I never made it much further than a few bit parts in film and tv. I’m sure you’ve seen me dancing in the background or running with a picnic table in another or getting off a school bus in yet one more. I learned it wasn’t for me.
I’m your typical Gen X slacker. I worked in bookstores for a good ten years of my life, and ended up at the happiest place on earth, backstage for the past nearly fifteen years. In the past five years, I finally dipped my toe into writing. Telling the stories that were brimming in my head.

Play Time
I’m addicted to two Blizzard games, World of WarCraft, where I play Horde on Eonar and Alliance on Ravencrest. And I can’t give up my Hearthstone. I also belong to a Shakespeare table reading group that started during lockdown. We’re called the Plague of Players. We’ve done everything from the Trouble with Tribles to Twelfth Night, with everything in-between.
I talk about everything and nothing on Facebook. I talk politics and stuff on Twitter. I love to cook and I post most of my pictures on Instagram including my travels, adventures, and writing inspirations.